

Recent Info:

Rapert wants to defund libraries suing Arkansas

Former Arkansas Sen. Jason Rapert appointed to state’s library board

Judge blocks Arkansas law criminalizing libraries and bookstores for providing ‘harmful’ books to minors

Where to buy banned books:

The Violet Fox Bookshop


Barnes & Noble

Donate to make up for his existence (or volunteer!):

Freedom From Religion Foundation – “Works as a state/church watchdog & voice for freethought”

Arkansas Public Policy Panel – “advances social and economic justice through respect for human dignity, diversity, empowerment and an inclusive, fair and transparent political process”

Arkansas Abortion Support Network – “Mission is to reduce barriers to abortion access in Arkansas”

Lucie’s Place – “Provides TLGBQ+ young adults experiencing homelessness in Arkansas housing solutions”

ACLU of Arkansas – “nonprofit, nonpartisan organization which uses legal, legislative and public education methods to protect and promote a broad range of constitutional issues including, free speech, racial justice, privacy, religious liberty, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, and more”

Adult Learning Alliance of Arkansas – “non-profit that provides structure and support to county-level literacy councils serving adults in over 50 Arkansas counties”

Quotes from yours truly:

In reply to a comment on the rights of minorities – “We the majority, grant you rights by choice.”

In an interview discussing hypocrisy in political stances, he was asked “Do you not see some hypocrisy?” and responded “Watch your language with me or we’ll stop the interview

Brought to you by Heinz [Seriously] Good Mayonnaise, try it in your coleslaw today!

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